
Granola Breakfast!

My friend Kristin and I made granola while I was recovering over the Christmas break. The granola was definitely a sink- we had to do some major doctoring to it just to make it passable. So I've been trying to find different ways to use up this granola. And I've actually been able to come up with a couple of good ones.

Last week I made granola-crusted french toast. My favorite brunch place serves a granola-crusted french toast, so I thought I'd give it a shot myself.

It turned out alright for a first attempt. The granola didn't stick to the bread too well, and the dark chocolate that was in the granola burned in the pan onto the french toast. But the toast itself was good (I used some Great Harvest Dakota bread) and the strawberries on top were a nice addition.

Over the weekend I decided to make some pancakes using a mix one of my students made me as a Christmas present. The mix was really good- it was made with wheat flour, and she even included a recipe and instructions. So cute! I decided it might be good to have some crunch in with the pancakes, so I pulled out the granola again.

This worked much better. It was like crunchy chocolate chip pancakes. yum! The crunch stayed and the chocolate melted, and the spices and flavor in the granola came out from being heated up.

Sink Or Swim? Granola outside, sink. Granola inside, swim.

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